Thursday 15 September 2016

Graphic week: Protest and Workshop

On our last studio day we created protest signs about something we feel passionate about. I created mine on free student travel. I personally feel that travel in London should be free for students as it is very expensive. I drew the words ‘FREE TRAVEL 4 STUDENTS’ onto A2 paper and cut them about using a scalpel. I then stuck black paper behind the original paper so that the words were clear and stood out. I felt like my sign lacked colour so for some of the letters I replaced the black paper with blue paper so it looked more interesting to read and stood out even more. I then stuck this onto a large piece of card. On the other side a did a continuous line drawing of myself. I was overall very pleased with my final outcome, i feel like it really expressed my personality.




On the last day of our project we had an introduction lesson for Photoshop and illustrator. We learned how to cut cut a background and replace it with a different background. I also created a logo of my name. This workshop was a great introduction lesson and learnt a few basic things that i will use again in the future.

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