Friday 23 September 2016

3D Design: Day 3

Today's task was to create bridges! We first started off by creating bridges out of paper and masking tape. We drew a curved line on a piece of A3 paper acting as a river and then we created bridges over the river. I created 5 bridges in total and each one was pretty unique. This task was more about being creative rather than practical.


I think my designs are visually appealing and interesting however they are definitely nothing like an ordinary bridge and not practical at all. If i was to spend more time on this task and improve my designs i would design something that has more structure to it and is more realistic. I would also consider using different materials and creating a bigger bridge so i can understand the problems and the challenges i would face with my design and figure out how to improve them.

The next task of the day, which was the main task, was to create a bigger bridge in groups so that Geoff's remote control car could travel across it. My group and I came up with a challenging design. We decided that our bridge would start of steep so that the car could gain speed and then there was a gap that the car had to jump over and then it would land in a tunnel and make it to the other side. This design was risky but we took the challenge and we succeeded! we created our bridge out of cardboard, bamboo sticks and sellotape. The overall structure of our bridge was strong and it supported the weight of the car very well. I think we worked very well as a team and were able to come together when there was a problem and come up with a practical solution. To improve i think we could have created a bigger tunnel as the car could have missed the hole and fallen to the ground and we would have failed our task.




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