Tuesday 13 September 2016

Graphics week: Portraiture

On the second studio day we did some large scale drawings of facial features. First we did some interesting quick observational sketches of a class mate. For each sketch we used a different method to draw it. The first drawing was continuous line, the second was to be drawn with our opposite hand, the third was draw with out eyes closed and the last was drawn with out mouth.


This was definitely an interesting way to draw, even though all of the proportions were off, they looked interesting and experimental, i really enjoyed this task and i think its a great way to add character into my work and make it look rather abstract.

In the next task we drew large drawings of facial features, we spent about 20 minutes on each drawing. I used a different range of mediums in my drawings. For the ear I used different tones of graphics markers, the different tones created depth and definition in my drawing and showed the areas of lights and shadow. For the eyes and ears I used a range of graphics markers, pencil, and charcoal and worked in a quick motion ensuring I captured all the detail that was visible to me. For the lips I used a pink graphic marker, this added colour to my overall piece and created character.


I really enjoyed this task as each of my drawings were drawn in a different style and had their own character and the best part was putting all of my drawings together in the end to create one big piece. From this task i realised that graphics isn't just about working on the computers and that you have to have a creative approach and work in different ways. This task made me more interested in graphic design.

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