Monday 19 September 2016

3D design: Day 1

Today was the first day of 3D design. We were asked to remember all the gifts we have ever received on our birthdays and creatively write them on a large piece of A1 paper. We were not allowed to draw any images. We took inspiration from artists such as Monique Prieto and Peter Davies. I started of by writing the words in colourful bubble writing, i also added some shapes and borders around the letters so make it look more interesting. We were them asked to cut out all the white spaces on our paper and make the paper flowly. I thought this was a great idea as it added more character to my work and just overall looked very intriguing. We were then asked create an installation by hanging our cut outs along with everyone else in out group. All of the pieces looked really great together and it was lovely to walk through the installation and read all of the different words. The last task of the day was to use up the scraps of paper and cut out silhouettes of presents we received or have always wanted to receive and place them of the floor. I think it looked really nice altogether.


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