Tuesday 20 September 2016

3D Design: Day 2

Today we looked at the works of different artists and designer to help inspire our work. One architect/ designer that stood out to me the most was Zara Hadid. I loved the Heydar Aliyev Center that she designed. In this building she wanted to create something unique, something which is looking at the future. The building somehow manages to show a soft, romantic side but at the same time an optimistic side. I love the design of the building and i think it works very well with the surroundings.

Zaha Hadid   Heydar Aliyev  Cultural Centre, Baku:

Our task for that day was to build a structure out of spaghetti that could hold three plastic balls. However the balls could not touch each other or touch the table. We were not allowed to use any materials other than spaghetti and glue. I first started by brainstorming some ideas down of what my structure could look like.

We then did some fun little tasks such as drawing the person next to us without looking at the paper and placing three balls on the picture and then drawing our right hand with out left and adding balls to that drawing too. I think these tasks were great as the shapes i used in my drawing helped me to think of more ideas for my structure.


I then started to create my structure. Although i had brainstormed a few ideas, i still wasn't too sure what my overall structure would look like so I made it up as i went along. I started off by creating different shapes out of the spaghetti and then i joined them all together. In the end my structure was able to easily hold two balls but i was struggling to get the third one to balance. This was because my structure was not sturdy enough and needed more support.


It was also very interesting to see what other people had created, there were some amazing ones! The next task was to protect our structures from a downward force of a basketball by filling the gaps in our structure with paper. My main method in this task was to create rolls out of paper and fill them in the gaps, i also scrunched up some pieces and added them in to. I didn't have much hope for my structure to survive as it was rather weak but surprisingly the basket ball only destroyed half of my structure and the rest was still intact!

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