Monday 12 September 2016

Graphics week: Campaigning

On our first studio day for Graphics we were given a subject in our groups – ours was celebrities. We created a mind map and from that we came up with a campaign slogan with which we created a supersize campaign poster. Our slogan was ‘Tame your Fame'. 

We explored different compositions of the three words and chose to simplify it to TYF as it was easier to fit it on and also it was sort of catchy.


With my group we narrowed our ideas down to a final design for our campaign slogan and created it. We used a scalpel to cut out the large letters on card and then covered each letter with a different colour of paper to make it stand out and give an impact. we layered the 3 letters on top of each other giving our campaign some dimension. Overall i think we all worked well in a team and came up with a good slogan. However i feel like because we abbreviated the slogan, a lot of people wouldn't know what the letters stand so perhaps it would have been better if created a bigger sign and not have abbreviated it.


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