Friday 9 September 2016

Utopia: The final Object

The final outcome of this project was to create an object that represents my ideal Utopian society. Looking at the serpentine pavilion and the opera house it seems that these architects are trying to create a sense of beauty in society - this relates to the idea of paradise and how everything is beautiful and perfect in paradise which is essentially utopia. I took my research further and looked into the Alhambra in Spain, this is a palace that was built by a king to represent paradise; it is surrounded by beautiful gardens and water. There is a real sense of freedom in the structure and surroundings of this beautiful palace

                                            Image result for alhambra spain

The Alhambra contains a lot of geometry patterns on the tiles, I looked into the geometry and saw how all the shapes perfectly fitted with each other, this connects with utopia and the idea of perfection and oneness. 

Image result for alhambra geometry      Image result for alhambra geometry

I felt intrigued by the geometry and looked further into different styles and patterns. The pattern that stood out to me the most was a tessellation of birds. The birds symbolise freedom. 

17 June we celebrate the birth of M. C. Escher, born 1898. Escher tessellated us for the last time in 1972.:

On the final day of our Utopia project, we had to create an object that represents my own utopia. I decided for my final object I would paint a bird as a bird symbolises freedom and my idea of a Utopian society is being free and having the power to say and do as you please. I think my idea of utopia is something that everybody would agree with, so many times in life and society we are told we can not do such things or sometimes our voices are not heard and i think its important that everybody has freedom to an extent and has a voice. I used oil paints to create a beautiful bird on a large piece of cardboard. I ensured that I seamlessly blended in all the colours on the wings and body of the bird together. I then carefully cut the bird out and attached a piece of string to it so it could be hung and look like it was flying. I was overall very please with my final outcome.

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