Wednesday 28 September 2016

Lens based Media Week.

Day 1

On the first day our task was to create a vine clip showing change. In a small group we created a short clip of Glen transporting to the other side of the building within a split second. There was a nice and simple story line to it and the clip had quite some humour to it. Everybody really enjoyed it when we showed it to the class.

For the second task we had to work in the same groups but this time create a short thirty second clip showing a problem that couldn't be resolved. For this film we decided to create a crazy lift situation. The film started of with one person in the lift who is sane and then one by one more people enter the lift who are crazy and are acting crazy and in the end it turns the one sane person crazy too. This film too had a creative story line and humour to it. I think overall this scene worked very well, it was straight to the point and interesting to watch. Also the fact that the scene starts off with the lift at floor 0 links in with the video, the 0 is a loop and the loop could represent craziness. I think to improve we could of included everybody in our group in the film as there were 2 people who were not included, more people in the lift would have created for chaos and would have added to the drama.

                                                              Click here for video clip.

Day 2

The next day we used stop motion to create a short film showing change. We looked at the works of Jan Svankmajer and Cyriak to understand what we were trying to achieve. Working in pairs, me and my partner created a short film of a worm who crawls out of an apple and ends up turning into a butterfly. The clip is short and sweet and works well. I think for my first ever stop motion film, i did well and i overall really enjoyed the task.

For the next part of the day we joined up with another pair and created another stop motion animation but we had to show a change from a 2D world into a 3D world. My group and I came up with the idea of turning one of our team members into a character who starts out in a 2D world (paper) and crawls out into the 3D world (reality) and is amazed by his surroundings. I think the story line was a great idea however i think our clip  is quite messy and we could of made it better but it still works and the class really loved it.

Click here to watch.

Day 3

Today we focused on still image rather than moving. We looked at the works of artist who focus on different aspects of photography such as line, texture, depth of field, symmetry, shadow and light. We then took the challenge to take pictures of our own that fall into these categories. This was a really great task as I learnt a lot photography and i took some really lovely photos.

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