Tuesday 7 March 2017

Final major project proposal.

Wearable Technology  

Section 1: A review of progress and achievement through parts 1 & 2 of the course.
The Foundation Course has been extremely valuable in enhancing my knowledge and understanding of various new techniques and processes. I have worked on many different projects that have allowed me to generate and evaluate new ideas and turn them into tangible 3D inventions. The Exploratory Stage of the course opened up new pathways to me and broadened my methodologies. I gained confidence of working in different ways. Practicing the use of software such as Photoshop and Google Sketchup have hugely aided me in my versatility. Alongside my technical skills I have also acquired prototyping skills such as using the laser cutter and 3D printing. Constant reflection of my work has been presented in weekly blog which has helped to evaluate my work and embrace any changes or mistakes.

Section 2: Project Concept.
Wearable technology has become a recent interest of mine; I am greatly fascinated by the way it enables interactivity around the body. In today’s world everybody is looking for ways to maximise their productivity. Wearables make technology persistent by interweaving it into daily life, making regular tasks easier and giving us the ability to do many things at once, it can also encourage users to stay fit and healthy by monitoring their activity.
Wearable devices are progressively becoming more and more advanced in the world around us. The Apple Watch is a sophisticated and contemporary piece of interactive technology with an enormous market and leads towards a whole new unexplored category of wearables to come.
For my project I want to explore how technology and fashion products are becoming intertwined. I propose to research, understand and develop my knowledge of the evolution of wearables towards smart textiles. I will record and analyze existing products, concepts and philosophies of the way the two elements of technology and fashion can be brought together into one product. I will produce various prototypes through 3D printing alongside building 3 dimensional platforms from 2 dimensional sketches. 
This project will aim to incorporate the various different techniques and process I have used throughout the year.

Section 3: Evaluation.
Throughout this project I will conduct a lot of primary and secondary research and reflect upon these so that I can create the best product meeting all the needs for the user. Evidence of my research and ideas will be recorded in my sketchbook acting as the primary source of information. My sketchbook will demonstrate the different ideas I came up with and it will show all the mistakes and obstacles I encountered. I will reflect and evaluate upon my work through peer feedback and through my blog which will showcase my development. My timetable will ensure that I am progressing and meeting my goals accordingly. A final review will allow me to highlight and justify any changes and significant developments to my initial proposal.

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