Monday 6 March 2017

Individualisation - development process and final outcome.

Continuing on with my project, I began to sketch out some design ideas that I felt could work well as flat pack furniture. I showed my client my ideas and asked for feedback. She said that the designs looked more like an office or garden chair and she wanted something a bit more homely and suggested I could create a stool.

I began playing around with different shapes and designs and finding the most convenient way to fold them away. This was a rather difficult process as once I created a design; it was hard to find a way for it to be folded away. I began playing with symmetrical shapes as these can easily be folded in half. I came up with a design that would easily fold into a cube that my client would be able to sit on. The cuts on the edges ensured that when made into a cube, it was secure and everything locked in together. I was pleased with this idea, however the design for me was too simple and I wanted to challenge myself even further.

I decided to develop upon the cube idea and create something that was more modern and aesthetically pleasing. I came up with the idea of creating a stool where the leg can be folded together and the seat folds on top. The stool can then be easily stored away for transported from place to place. I created a Sketchup design of my model and finalised my idea. My last step was to present my idea to my client. This time she was pleased with the final outcome.

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