Sunday 21 May 2017

Week 8 - Final evaluation

1. Briefly describe the final outcome of your project and the progress you have made, and if applicable how it differs from your original Project Proposal: 

My final outcome is a Blue-tooth headphone that is designed into a silver earing that sits in the ear. I have created a variety of prototypes and through a series trials and errors, experimentations and peer feedback, I have refined my design to my final prototype.  

My outcome differs from my original project proposal as I have not used 3D printing to produce them. This is because 3D printing would have used up a lot of my time and in result of that I wouldn’t have been able to experiment much in my project. Apart from this, I have met all my targets stated in my project proposal. 

2. What methods have you used to show how your learning has effected your project e.g. learning journal/ FMP Plan/ sketchbooks etc, and how has this helped with development of your work: 

I have recorded all of my physical work such as research, experimentation, development, materials, sketches, drawings and photographs of all my prototypes in my sketchbook. I have evaluated my tasks and discussed my thought process on my weekly blog. 

My FMP plan has helped to keep me on track throughout this project ensuring that I don’t fall behind. All of these methods have helped me with the development of my work because I have been able to see what has gone well and what hasn’t, helping me to progress at each step. Constant peer feedback of the work in my sketchbook has ensured that I make the correct decisions in the design of my final product. 

3. List the targets met (from the original FMP Plan and any that were added later): 

The targets that I have accomplished from my original proposal are conducting thorough primary and secondary research were I have analysed how fashion and technology are becoming interwined. I have also researched into the technological aspect of my project to develop a deeper understanding of the functional aspect of my product 

I have demonstrated different ideas which have shown all the mistakes and obstacles I have encountered. I have used a variety of different materials to find out the one that works the best for my product. I have developed these ideas and produced a variety of prototypes. 

4. Reflecting on your overall final major project, please discuss any developments which have contributed to the final outcome: 

I have experienced a lot of trial and errors throughout my project in different experimentation tasks which have led me to my final income. These include developments in materials that I have used and the structure of my design.  
5. Please state what advice you received from others during your FMP, and discuss what you found particularly useful: you should refer to group reviews, one-to-one tutorials and feedback from evaluation groups 

Advice that I have found very useful has been from many of my group interviews. I found myself falling behind most of the time and through the feedback from others I was put onto track and made an action plan for every week. Feedback from tutors were that I should think about what technology people already carry around with the and what clothing/accessories they wear on a day to day basis. Other feedback I received was to play around with different materials on the body to see what work the best and to test out a range of materials.  
6. Key points to take away – things to change about my approach (give at least 2) e.g. improve time management, what skills you have developed and how this will affect your future course/career and things to continue doing and to build on (give at least 2). What are you going to do next year? 
(NOTE – you may find it useful to refer to this document at the beginning of your next self managed project.) 
 Thing to change about my approach would be to improve my time management. Although I made a plan before starting my FMP, I still managed to fall behind as it wasn’t accurate enough. Another thing to change would be testing out more ways to produce my prototype/model, although I explorea few, I didn’t explore enough and I feel I could have produced my final prototype to a higher standard. I will consider these points and apply them to my work while doing my product design degree.  

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