Sunday 30 October 2016

Fixtures and Fittings Week 1 & 2

I started off this project by creating random shapes and forms using various different types of materials, some of these objects were rather peculiar and some were just simple forms. This task allowed me to work freely and be experimental. I had no plan of what I was making and this was great as it allowed me to be creative and it gave me endless possibilities of different outcomes. After creating a variety of objects, I photographed them in different angles and joint some objects together in a bundle to form different shapes out of them. Arranging the different objects in different positions together allowed me to start thinking about possible structures that I could create from them such as a structure for a building. I also experimented with light and created shadows with my objects.

Towards the end of the week I went on a trip to Shoreditch to look at several buildings to source inspiration for my project, this was helpful as I was heading towards the architecture route and wanted to create a building of some sort. The intriguing structures I saw inspired me and I recorded my what I saw through pictures.

After a week of inspiration, I started to plan out my final outcome. I developed upon my objects and did some sketches with tracing paper to generate more ideas. This process was fun and experimentive. I focused on picking out the different shapes and angles within my objects so that I could develop them into a structure for a building. 

One image I took of my objects stood out to me the most and I decided to develop upon it. The image initially looks like a bundle of mess but I managed to form a design of an architectural structure out of it.


After this stage, I decided what I wanted the building I was designing to be. I came up with the idea of a house built for an artist. The house has two sections, one being the living space and the other being a working studio. The main structure is made from cross-laminated timber. The large windows also provide natural light to flood the interior. I worked on some sketches on sketch up.

The next step for me was creating my building. I created a net on card and cut it out to see if it all fits together and to see if my final outcome needs any amending. I was pleased with how it turned and out and then I created my final outcome. I used foam board to represent the timber; this was an easy material to work. Overall this project was a great start into my pathway, I became familiar with programmes such as Photoshop and sketch up and I developed my skills. My final outcome is presented below in my presentation sheet. To improve, I feel that I could have done a better job at the Photoshop edit on my presentation sheet as i got all the proportions wrong.

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