Monday 3 April 2017

Week 5 - Playing with wire, shadow and light - Materials

Continuing on with idea exploration, I began to test out different materials and assess the different ways in which they can be used. I wanted to work with a flexible material that can be easily moulded around the body. The easier the product is to work with, the more comfortable it will be to wear. I purchased some black garden wire from B&Q and started to play around with it. I created a variety of different shapes, the most interesting one for me was the coil like structure, it almost looked futuristic. 

I then went on to play around with the material on the body. I twisted it around the hands, arm and face. The great thing about working with wire is that you can get the material to sit in every corner and crease of the body. There are no limits. 

Some of the peer feedback that I received from these wire models were that although the wire looks good, it all feels a bit 'loose" and that there needs to be a stronger base to the product. I though about this and agreed. There is going to be a bulk of technology in my product and I need a strong and thick material that will mask this and then I can use other materials such as wire for the aesthetic side. 

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