Friday 13 January 2017

Catalyst - Development and Process

Continuing on with my project, I developed upon my research and picked out shapes and structures that I myself associate with minimalism and I brainstormed these ideas as my starting point. These vague ideas then developed into possible objects. I was first heading towards creating a shelving unit for a desk but then altered my idea to creating a desk lamp.

Lights shine in different ways at different angles and at different intensity’s; it all depends on the purpose of the light. I wanted my light to be intense and I wanted the user of my product to have the ability to shine the light at any angle they wish without having to move the position of the lamp.

I came up with a range of ideas for a desk lamp and even went on to create a design on sketch up, however, for me, these ideas did not impress me enough. I asked for some peer feedback on my designs. The majority of the feedback I received said my designs were original and there were some great forms however a popular comment I received was that my sketch up model looked more like a studio light rather than a desk light. I didn't receive the response I wanted and so I decided to act upon this feedback and go back and start experimenting again.


I created random forms made up of basic shapes and created effects with these using a light source. Some of these effects were created using a light shining into a translucent cylinder of paper. Different coloured lights, different materials, and different objects were used to get various effects. Others were from an object with a patterned opening and multiple light sources.

I shone my light through a cup of water, the water spread the light out and made it cover a bigger surface area which I found rather fascinating. The same results occurred when I shone my light through a cardboard box and paper box that had cut outs in it. This again intrigued me and inspired me to narrow my final idea down to a lamp with various cut-outs for the light to shine through.

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