Sunday 4 December 2016

3Rs Week 1 & 2

To begin this project, I was given a packet of balloons which was the main material I had to work with. I began by analysing and observing my object, I drew some quick sketches of the balloons in different angles to help me generate idea as I wanted to think outside the box and be innovative with my concepts and designs. I thought about the purpose of a balloon, which is to be blown up and used as decoration, however if you manipulate the object and cut it up into strips it becomes a rubber material that I could weave or tie together rather than an object that you just blow up.

I cut up some of the balloons and attempted to weave them together however this wasn’t very successful. After thorough research I felt inspired me Theresa Obermoser’s geodesic igloos. The structure in her design was such a simple concept yet it was rather extraordinary.  

I decided to create domes out of the balloons using glue and string and then use these domes as part of a structure of a mosque. My design and making process was very simple and straight forward but it was a challenge to come up with a decent idea. I was overall really pleased with my final outcome. It turned out just how I imagined and I didn’t face any major difficulties. Next time I would perhaps create a structure that shows the interior rather than just the exterior so that my projects are focusing more towards interior design and so that it can be more of a challenge for me.